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Overview of skills and required knowledge for different baseball and softball player positions

In the stands, the tension among the parents was palpable, especially as Tommy’s father called out encouragements, urging the catcher to scoot a bit closer to home to aid his son. On this particular day, Joey, known for his quick thinking and his role as the team’s unofficial strategist, manned the plate. Heeding the advice …

Read More about Where Should a Catcher Setup

It’s the bottom of the ninth, two outs, with the winning run on second base. The crowd’s roaring like a jet engine as the batter cracks a hard liner into the gap. The third base coach is windmilling his arm like a turbine, sending the runner from second home. The throw from center field is …

Read More about Blocking the Home Plate – What Every Catcher Needs to Know

Have you wondered why the catcher throws the ball around the infield after the pitcher strikes out a batter? When you see players executing a crisp throw between infielders, what is your first impression of that team? Good? Bad? Read below to learn why catchers immediately throw the ball to 3rd base (or to the …

Read More about Why Do Catchers Throw to Third After a Strikeout

Key Takeaways Introduction When compared to full contact sports like American football, basketball and ice hockey, the danger of getting hurt while playing baseball is fairly low. [1] Of course, playing in any sport has inherent risk to injury and baseball is no different. In order to determine the most dangerous position in baseball, I …

Read More about What is the Most Dangerous Position to Play in Baseball