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Improving Athleticism in Every Child Through Baseball

Picture a young ball player, with enthusiasm in their eyes, who reacts slowly and lunges for a ground ball only to misjudge its path, resulting in a clumsy tumble. It’s a scene familiar to many parents – watching your child put their heart into the game, yet struggling to find their athletic rhythm on the baseball field.


If your child isn’t the prototypical athlete (i.e. not athletic), is it possible for them to stand in the batter’s box with confidence, field grounders with ease, or chase down fly balls with the grace of a seasoned outfielder?

These questions often linger in the minds of parents of non-athletic child.

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Do you find yourself on the sidelines, heart aching a little, as your child makes yet another well-intentioned but awkward attempt at fielding a ball? Do you secretly envy those children with seemingly innate ability to field baseballs to make plays? Have you wondered if your child’s natural gracelessness on the field is a hurdle too high to overcome? Do you see their eagerness to play, yet feel a pang of worry about their lack of athletic prowess?

This post is dedicated to that parent, who cheers the loudest even when the plays don’t quite go as hoped, who believes in their child’s potential, even when it’s not immediately apparent.

As someone who has coached youth baseball for over 13 years, I can confidently say that the answer is a resounding “Yes”. With consistent and focused practices and drills, even the most uncoordinated child can evolve into a confident, skilled player.

Important Note for Parents

Embracing and loving your child for who they are, regardless of their prowess on the baseball field, is a cornerstone of nurturing a healthy, supportive relationship.

It’s important to remember that every child has unique talents and interests, and their value is not contingent on their athletic abilities.

If you sense your child’s interest in improving at baseball, initiate a gentle conversation by asking open ended questions. Ask them how they feel about the game, what they enjoy most, and if they wish to enhance their skills. Ensure that your tone conveys support and unconditional love, making it clear that your encouragement is about their happiness and fulfillment, not fulfilling your own aspirations.

It’s crucial to be the parent who stands by their side, cheering them on, rather than the one pushing from behind.

This approach not only bolsters their self-esteem but also strengthens the trust and bond between you, making the baseball field a place of joy and personal growth, regardless of the scoreboard.

Laying the Foundation

Building athleticism requires understanding the baseline of a child’s athletic abilities and put plans in place to develop the fundamental skills that form the bedrock of a player’s ability.

Here, we’ll break down these foundational elements and how they can be cultivated in a child’s journey through baseball.

Coordination: The Art of Motor Skills and Body Control

In baseball, the essence of coordination can be likened to the graceful dance of a shortstop expertly snagging a ground ball and skillfully throwing it to first base.

It’s a symphony of synchronized body movements, each one meticulously orchestrated to create a fluid and effective motion.

To develop this kind of coordination, beginning with basic catch-and-throw exercises is key.

These foundational practices lay the groundwork for more complex drills. As players progress, they can be introduced to more challenging scenarios, like running to a designated spot while simultaneously tracking and catching a fly ball.

This gradual escalation in complexity not only enhances coordination but also instills a sense of confidence and mastery in the players.

Agility: Quick and Graceful Movement

A baseball player with sound agility is exemplified by a base runner’s swift and seamless change of direction to dodge a tag.

Agility Ladder

Every coach values quickness and agility in their players, and the agility ladder (also known as the speed ladder) is an exceptional tool for this.

It’s highly effective for boosting foot speed in a minimal amount of space and time. Utilizing this ladder in various drills can significantly enhance a player’s agility.

This ability to move swiftly and effortlessly is fundamental to all aspects of the game, from fielding to base running.

To cultivate this agility, incorporating exercises like agility ladder drills or cone courses that simulate the paths and movements of base running is highly effective.

Encouraging young players to navigate these setups, with an emphasis on rapid changes in direction and maintaining smooth movement, is a great way to enhance their agility, making them more adept and responsive on the field.

Strength: Building Muscle and Physical Power

The concept of strength extends beyond the prowess of hitting towering home runs. It encompasses the robustness in a pitcher’s arm as they hurl a fastball and the vigor in a catcher’s throw to second base.

To build this kind of strength, it’s crucial to integrate age-suitable strength training exercises into practice routines. This can include activities like push-ups and squats, along with light resistance band exercises, tailored to suit their developmental stage.

At a young age, you DO NOT need to work with weights!

The key is to emphasize the gradual and safe enhancement of strength, ensuring that young players develop their physical abilities in a manner that’s both effective and protective of their growing bodies.

Endurance: Stamina for Sustained Activity

Endurance in baseball is best exemplified by a pitcher who remains vigorous deep into the game and an outfielder who is constantly alert and prepared for each play, showcasing the importance of sustained stamina in the sport.

Speed Hurdles

Speed hurdles, while similar to agility ladders in improving speed and quickness, introduce a plyometric component due to their height (typically around 12 inches).

This addition enhances your training by adding a vertical challenge to your regimen.

To enhance endurance in young players, it’s beneficial to involve them in activities that gradually elevate their heart rate and maintain it over time. This can include enjoyable and engaging exercises like jogging, cycling, or even a lively game of tag.

Medicine Ball

A strong core is essential for baseball players, and the medicine ball is an ideal tool for core training. With its versatility on the field and in the gym, it’s an investment in quality training.

Among the top drills for core strength are Medicine Ball Slams and Jump Slams, which require a durable, high-quality ball to withstand the intensity of repeated use.

The key is to make these activities fun and interesting, ensuring that children remain engaged and consistent in their efforts to build endurance, a critical aspect of their athletic development in baseball.

Flexibility: Increasing Range of Motion

Flexibility, characterized by an increased range of motion, is crucial in baseball. It’s seen in a pitcher’s ability to execute a full, fluid motion for an effective pitch or in a batter’s capacity to stretch and connect with an elusive outside pitch.

To foster this kind of flexibility in young players, it’s essential to incorporate stretching into every practice session.

Teaching children dynamic stretches as a warm-up before they engage in activities, and guiding them through static stretches for cool down afterward, helps in gradually improving their flexibility. This not only enhances their performance but also plays a significant role in injury prevention.

Speed: Running and Movement Quickness

Speed, a vital aspect of baseball, is the element that turns a simple single into an impressive double or a challenging fly ball into a decisive out. It’s the quickness of movement and rapid running that makes a significant difference on the field. To develop this crucial skill in young players, incorporating sprint drills is highly effective.

Exercises like racing from home plate to first base offer a practical and direct way to enhance speed. Timing these runs provides a measurable benchmark for improvement, and by encouraging players to gradually better their times, you foster not just their speed but also a spirit of continual growth and development.

Balance: Stability in Movement and Stance

Speed is an essential component in baseball, capable of elevating a basic single to a thrilling double or converting a difficult fly ball into a successful out. This attribute is defined by the swift agility and brisk running that can significantly impact the game’s outcome.

To cultivate this key skill among young players, integrating sprint drills into their training is exceptionally beneficial. Activities such as sprinting from home plate to first base are direct methods to boost speed.

Recording the times of these sprints offers a tangible way to track progress, encouraging players to consistently strive for faster times. This not only enhances their speed on the field but also instills a mindset of continuous improvement and personal development in their athletic journey.

Reaction Time: Training for Faster Response

Reaction time is critical in baseball, exemplified by a catcher swiftly responding to a steal or an infielder quickly adjusting to a sudden line drive. This ability to react promptly is fundamental to many aspects of the game.

To enhance reaction time in young players, it’s effective to incorporate drills that demand rapid decision-making. Activities such as hitting a ball off a tee, which requires immediate action, or practicing fielding ground balls coming from various angles, help in sharpening these quick-response skills.

These exercises not only improve their reaction time but also prepare them for the unpredictability and fast-paced nature of the game.

Each of these skills is a building block for an athletic child. Through baseball, we can nurture these abilities in a fun, engaging, and structured way, setting the stage for a lifetime of athletic enjoyment and success.

Enhancing Core Skills

Once the foundational skills are set, it’s time to enhance the core skills that elevate a child’s game to the next level.

The goal is to inspire and equip children to become versatile and resilient players, regardless of their starting point in athleticism. By focusing on these core skills and understanding, they can find their place in the game and excel in ways that go beyond just physical ability.

Hand-Eye Coordination: Precision in Syncing Visual and Motor Skills

Hand-eye coordination is a fundamental skill for young baseball players, as it plays a vital role in nearly every aspect of the game, from batting to fielding. Developing this skill in young athletes can significantly enhance their performance on the field. Here are some specific drills designed to improve hand-eye coordination in young baseball players:

Tee Ball Drills: Starting with the basics, hitting off a tee helps young players focus on making solid contact with the ball. It allows them to concentrate on their swing mechanics without the added challenge of a moving pitch.

Reaction Ball Drills: Reaction balls, which bounce in unpredictable directions, are excellent for improving reflexes and hand-eye coordination. Players can throw these balls against a wall and try to catch them on the rebound, adjusting to the ball’s erratic path.

For a budget-friendly alternative, try using an old baseball with a partially removed cover for infield practice.

Soft Toss Drills: Have the coach or another player gently toss balls towards the batter from a short distance. This drill helps players track the ball from the toss to the bat, refining their timing and coordination.

Barehand Catching Drills: Practicing catching with bare hands using soft, small balls (like tennis balls) can significantly improve a player’s hand-eye coordination. This drill forces players to focus intently on the ball, improving their ability to track and catch it.

Pickle Drills: In this drill, a player runs back and forth between two bases while trying to avoid being tagged by players with gloves and a ball. This drill enhances a player’s agility and coordination, as they must watch the ball and the players closely to make quick decisions.

Color Call Out: Use a multi-colored ball in this drill. As the ball is thrown to the player, call out a color. The player must catch the ball and simultaneously shout the color they see. This drill sharpens focus and coordination.

Wiffle Ball Batting: Because Wiffle balls move unpredictably, hitting them can improve a player’s hand-eye coordination. This drill forces the batter to adjust their swing and stance in response to the ball’s movement.

Fungo Batting: In this drill, a coach hits fly balls or grounders to players in the field. It’s a great way to practice tracking the ball in the air or on the ground, improving hand-eye coordination in a dynamic setting.

I will publish a separate post to include more detailed information on these drills in the near future.

Warm-Up Routines: Priming the Body for Peak Performance

Much like a baseball pitcher meticulously prepares before a game, it’s essential for all players to engage in effective warm-up routines to ready their bodies for the demands of the sport.

A well-structured warm-up, crucial for peak performance, significantly reduces the risk of injuries. The olden days of static stretches have been replaced by dynamic stretches to further reduce the risk of injury.

These dynamic stretch routines include routines that enhance flexibility and prepare the muscles for movement, combined with light jogging to raise the heart rate and throwing exercises to warm up the arms.

Consistency in these routines is key, yet they should be adaptable to cater to the specific activities planned for the day.

By prioritizing a thorough warm-up, players not only prime their bodies for the physical challenges ahead but also safeguard themselves against potential strains and injuries, ensuring they are at their best when they step onto the field.

Cool Down Exercises: Essential for Recovery and Longevity

To further reduce the injury risk, it is important to conduct cool down exercises.

Admittedly, not many players cool down after a game but I strongly believe that this is key to help your body recover faster and prevent injury.

A proper cool down routine should start with static stretching, focusing on major muscle groups used during play, such as the hamstrings, calves, quads, shoulders, and back. Each stretch should be held for about 20-30 seconds, allowing the muscles to relax and lengthen gradually.

This is followed by low-intensity activities, such as a leisurely walk or a gentle jog, which help in bringing the heart rate down slowly and steadily. Including specific exercises, like arm circles or torso twists using J-bans, can also help in loosening up the upper body, especially beneficial for pitchers and catchers.

Incorporating these detailed cool down exercises after games and practices ensures that players’ muscles remain supple and less prone to injuries, contributing significantly to their long-term health and endurance in the sport.

Playfulness: Keeping the Joy in the Game

The essence of playfulness is a key element that keeps the game enjoyable and engaging, especially for younger players. The most successful players often display a child-like enthusiasm for the sport, which is crucial in maintaining their love and passion for the game.

To foster this sense of playfulness, coaches and parents should look to incorporate elements of fun and competition into practice sessions. This can include various games and friendly competitions that not only hone skills but also keep the atmosphere light and enjoyable.

Additionally, allowing time for unstructured play is vital, where children have the freedom to explore different aspects of the game at their own pace, without the pressure of structured drills.

This approach enables them to experiment and discover their love for the game naturally.

Coaches and parents play a significant role in this, as they can create an environment that emphasizes enjoyment over intense competition, ensuring that the spirit of playfulness remains at the heart of the baseball experience for young players.

Holistic Development

The final section of our journey in enhancing a child’s athleticism through baseball focuses on the holistic development of young players.

This encompasses not just the physical and technical aspects of the game, but also the mental, emotional, and social facets that are crucial for a well-rounded athlete.

Mental Toughness and Resilience

Mental toughness and resilience are critical components in youth baseball, holding equal importance to physical strength.

It revolves around the ability to maintain focus during challenging moments in a game, handle the inevitable pressures that come with competition, and the resilience to bounce back from setbacks.

Building mental toughness in young players involves teaching them to set realistic goals. For example, a player might aim to improve their batting average gradually, rather than expecting to hit a home run in every game.

Developing a positive mindset is another key aspect. Coaches and parents can encourage players to see mistakes not as failures, but as opportunities for learning and growth.

Introducing techniques such as visualization and positive self-talk can be immensely beneficial. A player might visualize successfully hitting a ball or fielding a difficult catch, paired with affirmations like “I can do this” or “I am improving every day.” These strategies help young athletes manage pressure and adversity, making them more resilient and confident on the baseball field.

Nutritional Guidance for Young Athletes

The role of nutrition in youth baseball is also fundamental for their physical development, energy levels, and recovery process. Proper nutrition ensures that young players have the necessary fuel for their activities and aids in their overall growth and health.

Implementing healthy nutritional habits involves educating young athletes and their caregivers about the benefits of a balanced diet. This diet should encompass a variety of nutrients, including proteins for muscle repair and growth, carbohydrates for energy, and vitamins and minerals for overall health.

For example, a meal plan might include lean meats or plant-based proteins, whole grains, and a colorful array of fruits and vegetables.

Additionally, the importance of hydration cannot be overstated, especially on game days. Coaches and parents should encourage players to drink water regularly, not just when they feel thirsty. This might include having a water bottle at hand during practices and games, and possibly incorporating electrolyte-rich drinks in moderation to replenish what is lost through sweat.

This comprehensive approach to nutrition and hydration helps ensure that young baseball players have the energy and stamina they need, while also supporting their recovery and long-term health.

Sportsmanship and Team Dynamics

Sportsmanship and team dynamics in youth baseball extend far beyond the playing field, imparting invaluable life lessons such as teamwork, respect, and fair play.

These lessons are foundational to the personal development of young athletes. Cultivating a strong sense of sportsmanship involves creating an atmosphere where respect is paramount – respect for teammates, opponents, and umpires alike.

Coaches and parents play a crucial role in this by teaching children to both win with grace and lose with dignity. This means encouraging players to shake hands with their opponents regardless of the game’s outcome, to applaud good play by others, and to maintain a positive attitude even in the face of defeat.

Understanding the value of each experience, whether it’s a triumphant win or a challenging loss, is essential. This approach helps young players recognize that every game is an opportunity to learn and grow, not just in their skills but also in their character. Emphasizing these aspects of sportsmanship and team dynamics in youth baseball ensures that children learn important social and emotional skills that will benefit them throughout their lives, both on and off the baseball diamond.

Baseball Journey is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

The journey to developing athleticism, particularly in youth baseball, should be viewed as a long-term endeavor rather than a sprint to the finish line.

It’s essential to encourage a steady and consistent approach to practice and improvement. This mindset helps players and their supporters understand that progress is a gradual process, where each small step forward counts significantly.

By adopting this holistic approach, the focus shifts from merely striving to become better baseball players to growing as individuals. It nurtures not only a love for the game but also fosters the development of character and life skills that are invaluable both on and off the field.

This comprehensive perspective ensures that the journey through baseball becomes a rewarding experience that shapes young athletes in more ways than one.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Were there any MLB players who admitted that they were not athletic growing up
    • Two MLB players who admitted to not being particularly athletic growing up are Chris Archer and Daniel Nava. Chris Archer, who later became an All-Star with the Rays, faced rejection in middle school when he didn’t make the baseball team, which he found demoralizing. Daniel Nava, who played as an outfielder, was only 4-foot-10 as a freshman and often felt overmatched. He faced further setbacks in college before finally making his way into professional baseball. Both these players overcame early challenges and rejections, demonstrating resilience and determination in their journeys to the MLB​​.
  • How can I help my unathletic child improve in baseball?
    • Start with basic skills like catching, throwing, and batting. Focus on fun, gradual progress and celebrate small achievements.
  • What are good exercises for an unathletic child to get better at baseball?
    • Encourage activities that improve hand-eye coordination, balance, and overall fitness, such as jumping rope, playing catch, or simple running drills.
  • How important is playing in a team for my unathletic child?
    • Team play is vital for learning cooperation, understanding game strategy, and building social skills.
  • Can my child still enjoy baseball even if they’re not very athletic?
    • Absolutely! Emphasize enjoying the game and learning, rather than just competition and athleticism.
  • How do I keep my unathletic child motivated in baseball?
    • Set realistic goals, provide positive reinforcement, and ensure the experience remains enjoyable and stress-free.